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Sunday, November 13, 2005

SMS SOS: "Assessment technology" becoming "the technology of assessment" and associated dangers

"Assessment technology" becoming "the technology of assessment" and associated dangers

Here's an interesting article on the learning media site:

Idea for conducting a needs analysis

My Principal Cheryl Doig and I had a really helpful discussion the other day with Ian Munroe from the MOE about the SMS Project.

One of the challenges faced by schools is that they don't necessarily have the expertise or know-how with which to make a good decision about which SMS system to go for, plus they may not even care (although I guess that's their problem if they don't care huh?).

While discussing a range of ideas with Ian, I had an idea for helping a school determine what it wants and needs with regards to a new SMS system and will make a download in the next few days describing this. Basically it's just a donut shape on a whiteboard where you put all the features you've brainstormed on to- then move them around. I think you should only do this once you've got a comprehensive list of all the features you need/want grouped into categories.

Then get staff to move them around on the whiteboard, with features towards the middle of the donut signifying more essential features of the SMS system. I'm going to try this at Fendalton to figure out what the priorities are, and then the next challenge will be to match these with an SMS. Pretty simple idea really, any comments or other ideas out there I wonder?